
Yes, I'm willing to volunteer with the Warm Springs Alliance

Thanks for caring enough to put some time into this audacious project to make a welcoming sanctuary in the city!
We value your enthusiasm and skills in bringing this vision to life and are excited to have you on the team. 
Here are some events in the works. Which of these are you interested in being part of?
Along with the events listed above, here are some of our immediate needs for volunteer support.
Which of these are you interested in being part of?
Tell us about you:
Your skills and interests
Please tell us about you. What are you good at and enjoy doing? What do you have experience with?
If you could make a significant difference with the Warm Springs Alliance, what might that be?
What would you rather not do?
What inspired you to volunteer with the Warm Springs Alliance? And what do you connect with most about our vision (hot springs soaking, wellness, historic preservation, indigenous connection, community, environmental stewardship, etc)?
Contact Information
How many hours are you available to contribute to the Warm Springs project? (per week/month/year)
What times are best for you?
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